Thursday, 20 March 2008

Easter Rap

Easter Easter is so fun

Easter is for everyone

Wether you are big or small

Easter is loved by all

Eating chocolate is the key

Eat it for breakfast, lunch and tea

Chocolate usually costs me money

but not now thanks to Mr Easter Bunny!!!!


Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Last week of Term 1

We have had another busy week in 3/4. This week we have been doing lots of work about Easter. We have made Easter Baskets, written Easter Poems, drawn Easter pictures and enojoyed watching the Prep, 1's and 2's Easter Hat Parade. Here are some of our Easter Poems for you to enjoy!

Friday, 7 March 2008

3/4's have been busy..........

We have been learning about times tables, helping our bodies and how we get healthy. We have been doing lots of Reading and Writing and trying to get our Pen Licence. Lots of people have got stars on the Pen Licence Chart. This week we have been on our class run twice. We are all trying to run as far as we can so we can get running certificates for running 10km. Today we had a visit from Danielle Green. She spoke to us about the Premiers Reading Challenge and the Premiers Fitness Challenge. We have all been trying hard to get our first reading certificates, for reading 25 nights. So far 22 people have got their certificates. This afternoon, Tanaya, Chloe and Tiana did a dance for the 3/4's during our class meeting. There were great!

Tyler, Ellie and Adrian

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

What's Happening this Week?

Healthy Lunch Day and Rubbish Free Lunch
This term we have been talking about Healthy Lifestyles and Healthy Eating. Every Wednesday for the rest of the term we will be having Healthy Lunch Day. We are going to measure the amount of rubbish we bring to school and look at how much we can reduce rubbish that we bring to school.

Monday, 3 March 2008

What have the 3/4's been up to?

We have had another very busy week. The 3/4's have been learning about healthy food choices. We were very lucky and had John, Merle's husband come in and cook a Vietnamese Steamboat with us. We have been doing cooking in Lifestyles groups and have made lots of healthy and tasty food. There has been Clean Up Australia Day and our normal Lifestyles and Groups programs.

Here are some recounts of what the students have been enjoying!

This week we all made something healthy. My lifestyles group make a smoothy! YUM!!!!! We put in milk, banana, chocolate and ice cream mmmm........It tasted so nice. I am going to make one myself.

Joshua V

On Monday we got to cook in a Vietnamese Steamboat, with John who is Merle's husband. We had noodles, vegies and chicken in a stock. It was DELICIOUS! I really liked that day of the week.

On Friday it was Clean Up Australia Day. We all went around the school and picked up rubbish. It was disgusting. We all learnt a lesson which was don't drop litter.


On the 29th of Feb we had Clean Up Australia Day we were picking up rubbish and saving animals from death. We looked at all the bags and there was a lot of rubbish, that could of killed animals. There were so many bags full.

On Tuesday in our groups we make fruit kebabs, with apples, bananas and pineapple. It was fun. I liked my fruit kebab.


Snake Buster

Snake Buster

On Friday 16th of Febuary, Raymond from Snake Busters came to school to visit all of the students. We got to learn about what to do if we see a snake. We also got to hold snakes, turtles, lizards and frogs.