Wednesday, 5 March 2008

What's Happening this Week?

Healthy Lunch Day and Rubbish Free Lunch
This term we have been talking about Healthy Lifestyles and Healthy Eating. Every Wednesday for the rest of the term we will be having Healthy Lunch Day. We are going to measure the amount of rubbish we bring to school and look at how much we can reduce rubbish that we bring to school.


Melissa Williams said...

Dear Grade 3/4s,

Hello to all our sisters and brothers in 3/4 (Liam, Brandon and Talia). We have healthy food too in Prep. We have Brain food (Blake M). Some of the things we have for Brain Foods are:
bananas (Nathan M), apples (Taleisha), plums (Mona), carrots (Hayley), pineapple (Victoria), watermelon (Jayden K), grapes (Joshua) and sultanas (Jorja).

Love from the Preps

nyssa barros said...

hi its alexis nyssas mom and i wanted to say its a fantastic well i hope to see more intresting things over the term and year