Tuesday 22 July 2008


Students at The Lakes have been focussing on our school value of BELONGING!
Last week we completed a 'thinking key' task where children could choose a key to complete.

Key 1 - What should Goldilocks have done to make herself feel like she belonged in The Three Bears?
Key 2 - Imagine an alien visited planet Earth. Explain to him what belonging and friendship means.
Key 3 - What are the similarities between belonging to a sporting group and belonging at school?
Key 4 - If the answer is 'belonging' what could possible questions be?

Here is what Abhishek wrote for key 2:

Dear Alien,
When you come to Earth to stay at my house, I will tell you how to become someones friend like my friend.
First, make them Belong like tell them "You are my best friend."
Then, respect how they are or want to be.
Third (and the most important) try and do everything you have to do in friendship.
Finally, try and help them in everything they do.

Well done Abhi!

1 comment:

roxas said...

good one abhi just don't send to a anelin they will all come