Saturday 6 September 2008

Book Character Day

On Wednesday the 3rd of September, 2008 the early years students at The Lakes dressed up as characters from their favourite books. Lots of people dressed up as their favourite character even some of the teachers. Some people were clowns, little red riding hood, fairies, cat in the hat, witches, princesses, Speaky MacGee, super heroes, Hannah Montana, wrestlers, Pippi Long Stocking(Kathryn), Dorothy, Star Wars characters, the Rainbow Fish (Merle) and lots more.

First thing in the morning we had a
book character parade in the gymnasium. When we were there we walked around in front of all the home groups and teachers. Some people wore their school uniform but they were still able to watch and some walked around as well. When the kids finished walking around, all of the teacher walked around, we all tried to get high fives form the teachers. After the parade we all got together, all the preps to year 4s, to take a photo.

We also did some other activities during the day including writing our character profile on the person we were dressed up as.
We had a RAD day.

Written by the amazing Year 3s and Teachers.

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